jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Virgo (The Virgin)

Virgo, also known as Astrea –the daughter of Zeus and Themis, therefore, a titan- personified along with her mother the justice. According to other sources, she was the daughter of Astraeus and Eos.
She was the last inmortal who lived amog the humans during Cronus Golden Age, leaving in last place when it became the Age of Bronze. Zeus lifted her to the sky as a constellation, and the scale of justice in her hands became the constellation of Libra.
The reward for her loyalty may have been she was allowed to keep her virginity (she’s the only virgin amog the titans) and her place in the stars.

Virgo is one of the biggest constellation in the sky with almost 1300 square degrees, only surpassed by the constellation of Hydra with 1303 square degrees. It’s located in celestial equator ans it is visible in both hemispheres for more tan six months from February to August. In addition, it’s the biggest zodiacal constellation, therefore, the sun remains on it for more tan 40 days (concretely 45 days) making it the longest solar month.
It limits to the north with Boötes and Coma Berenices; to the east with Leo; to the south with Crater, Corvus and Hydra; and finally to the west with Libra and Serpens Caput.

The main stars forming Virgo are:
• Spica: or Alpha Virginis. Its name comes from the Latin, meaning “the spike”. It refers to the spike the virgin holds in her hand.
• Zavijavh: or Beta Virginis. Its name comes from the Arabic, meaning “the corner”.
• Vindemiatrix: or Epsilon Virginis. Its name comes from the Latin, meaning “the grape-harvestress”.

Other objects

M61; precious spiral galaxy Sb located in the center of the constellation of magnitude 9.6, 6,6'x6 ' of angular diameter.

M49; elliptical very shining galaxy, E; of located magnitude 8.4 near the previous one of 8'x7 ' of angular diameter.

M86; elliptical galaxy of magnitude 8.90 of 12'x9 ' located in the north of the constellation near Comma in the accumulation of Virgo of galaxies.

M87; elliptical galaxy of magnitude 8.60 of 7'x7 ' of diameter arc, is in the same accumulation of Virgo of galaxies.

M98; elliptical galaxy of magnitude 9.80 of 3,4'x3 ' of diameter arc, is in the same accumulation of Virgo of galaxies.

M60; elliptical galaxy of magnitude 8.8 of 3'x2 ' of arc located in the accumulation of Virgo of galaxies.

M49; elliptical galaxy of magnitude 8.4 of 8'x7 ' of arc located in the accumulation of Virgo of galaxies.

M104; precious denominated galaxy the one of the hat by its almost perfect form to a hat whose Vista from the Earth is almost of profile. One is closely together located to the south of the constellation of Corvus. It has a magnitude of 8,0, has an angular diameter of 8,9'x4'.

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  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. your blog is amazing!
    information is very good. congratulations

    Caroline Núñez 3°D
