jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Gemini (The Twins)

It can be seen during the autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere, and in summer in the southern hemisphere. It limits to the north with Lynx and Auriga; to the east with Taurus and Orion; to the south to the constellations of Monoceros and Canis Minor; and to the west with Cancer. The planets Neptune and Pluto were discovered while passing through this constellation.
Mythological story of the constellation.
In classical Greece, the constellation represents Leda's twins born of different fathers. One mortal and one immortal (son of Zeus), who shared everything except death. Pollux, seeing his brother Castor threatened with death, asked Zeus to also take away his life in order to not separate from his brother. Finally, Zeus gave them both immortality, with the condition that thw two brothers together descended to Hades (to death) the first part of the year and the second half to come back to life in Olympus.

1-    Castor (alpha)
2-    Pollux (beta)
3-    Wasat (delta)
4-    Mebsuta (epsilon)
5-    Mekbuda (zeta)
6-    Propus (eta)
7-    Iota
8-    Tejat Posterior (mu)
9-    Alzirr (xi)
10- Alhena (gamma)
11- Theta
12- Upsilon
13- Kappa
14- Nu

Other objects

M35; precious rich stellar accumulation and partially concentrated of 28' of diameter arc, that is in the limit with the constellation of Taurus. Of magnitude 5.10, Earth light is to 2,800 years. It has an age of about 100 million years, the most shining star has a magnitude of 8,0.

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