jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Libra(The Scales)

It’s not a very bright constellation, nor easy to distinct, located between Virgo –to the west– and Scorpio –to the east. Due to its low visual appeal, it results easier to find it starting with Scorpio. To do this, we must extend the Scorpion claws in order to form bigger claws. The “fulcrum” of the scales –Zuben Elgenubi– lies almost exactly on the ecliptic, midway and a few degrees north of a line extending between Spica (Virgo) and Antares (Scorpius).
The scales symbolized the identic length of day and night during equinoxes: two thousand years ago, the sun crossing Libra marked September equinox. Roman astrologers interpreted these scales as The Justice, held by Astrea, the goddess of justice. It is also said that Libra represents the Golden chariot of Hades (Pluto).
Libra limits to the north with the constellation of Serpens, Cauda and Virgo –which also limits with Libra in the east-, to the south with Hydra and Lupus, and to the west with Scorpius and Ophiuchus.

The main stars forming Libra are:
Alpha Librae, ; called Zuben Elgenubi (southern claw), of magnitude 2,73 and White colored. It is located 77 light years away from Earth.
Beta Librae, ; called Zuben Elschemali (northern claw), of magnitude 2,61 and blue colored. It is located 160 light years away from Earth.
Gamma Librae, ; called Zuben Elakrab, of magnitude 3,92 and orange colored. It is located 152 light years away from Earth.

Other objects
NGC 5897, a precious globular accumulation of magnitude 8.60, 9' diameter arc, it is located 38,000 light years away from Earth.

1 comentario:

  1. a lot information about the libra constellation! Thanks :D
    I like the design of the blog :D

    Geraldine Rojas Valdivieso 3ºD
