jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Taurus (the Bull)

It is one of the most impressive constellations in the northern sky because of the large number of stars that compose it, among which are the Pleiades and the Hyades.
It is located at the northwest of the giant Orion and southwest of Auriga. The brightest star, Aldebaran (also called “red eye of the bull”), makes it immediately identifiable.
Our conventional view of Taurus is incomplete a figure that includes only the anterior half of the animal, facing the east with a head crowned by excessively long horns pointing to Orion. The higher horn tip touches the heel of Auriga, and this star had been shared by both constellations.
The position of Taurus, near the celestial equator, allows its observation from anywhere in the world, except from the Antarctic region, where it partially hides. In Winter from the northern hemisphere and in the tropics, is shown in its most magnificent.
Its highest point is between late November and early December.

Mythological story of the constellation
Like other constellations, Taurus has a different mythological story depending on the civilization. In Egypt, Taurus is associated with the god Osiris, who was represented by a bull-god, and his sister Isis, represented by a cow. When the crescent moon crossed this constellation, it formed the horns of the bull.
In Greece, this constellation contains two stories that tell the amorous adventures of Zeus in which intervenes this symbolism. First, Io, transformed into a cow by Hera; and second, Europe a maiden which is seduced by Zeus, then taken by him to Crete where he possesses her. (Remember that Io and Europa are two of the major Jupiter satellites.)
The Romans identified the bull with Bacchus. During the Bacchanalia, a bull got covered with flowers recieved the escort of young dancers representing the clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades.

Main stars

Alpha, a; denominated Aldebarán, of magnitude 0.99 and visible orange color at first. Earth light is to 65 years and is a star 150 times more luminous than our Sun Form leaves from the cluster of the Hyades but like optical effect since it is to half of distance of the stellar cluster. One is located in the center of the constellation.

Beta, b; denominated the Nath or Alnath, one is in the limit with Auriga and also g Aurigae is denominated. Of magnitude 1.68 and blue color Earth light is to 131 years, it is a giant 294 times more luminous than our Sun formed in the M45 cluster or the one of the Pleyades.

Gamma, g; denominated Hyadum I, it comprises of the vertex of the cluster of the Hyades, of magnitude 3.65 and of orange color Earth light is to 154 years, is 64 times more luminous than our Sun Form leaves from the cluster of the Hyades like main component.

Other objects

M45, denominated Pleyades, wonderful stellar cluster formed by blue stars located to 368 years Earth light, is formed by blue giant stars whose original nebula can be observed with great telescopes.

M 1; planetary nebula of magnitude 8.4 of angular diameter 6'x4', in her is observable the star that in 1054 exploded becoming pressing denominated 3C144. it is located closely together of z Tauri in the western sector of Taurus.

NGC 1807; precious stellar cluster of magnitude 7.0, 17' of arc of diameter angular and formed by stars of ninth magnitude. One is in the south of the constellation.

NGC 1817; pretty stellar cluster located to only 20' of NGC 1807, magnitude 7.7, has an angular diameter of 16', is formed by fifty stars that oscillate between tenth and décimocuarta magnitude. Earth light is to 5,700 years and has a considered age of 790 million years

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